Technology Development Program, said the endorsement is one of many factors that will play into the project as it progresses. James Cordes, professor of astronomy and principal investigator for the SKA's U.S. The international facility, now under development, is designed to play a leading role in future research on the nature of gravity and what the universe looked like in its first moments. Referring to the SKA, the report noted its "unqualified enthusiasm for the science that this facility could deliver" and recommended "a staged program leading toward major participation."

The Astro2010 Decadal Survey, which began in 2008, provides direction for the astronomy and astrophysics federal research and funding agenda for the next 10 years.Īmong the projects cited for their importance to the field are CCAT, a proposed telescope facility led by Cornell scientists to be built in Chile's Atacama desert and singled out for strong support by Astro2010 the Cornell-affiliated Square Kilometer Array (SKA), a planned large array of radio telescopes that will survey the galaxy for neutron stars and conduct other large projects in cosmology and astrophysics and science and instrumentation programs at the Cornell-managed Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. A comprehensive survey by a National Academy of Sciences-appointed committee of scientists gave a powerful boost to a number of Cornell-related astronomy and astrophysics projects with the release of its report Aug.